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The Journal

Escapade estivale au pays de cocagne, le Périgord

Summer getaway in the land of plenty, the Périgord

Escapade estivale au pays de cocagne, le Périgord

Summer getaway in the land of plenty, the Périgord

Périgord or Dordogne ? Two names, one historical, the other administrative, to evoke the same region, a real land of plenty and the French department richest in historical monuments.  A very ...

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Le grand nettoyage d’été, "in & out"

The big "in & out" summer cleaning.

Summer means big cleaning inside AND  out ! The only way to be in shape and have beautiful skin at the start of the school year ... it's not necessarily going to be fun, if you also come home...

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L’été à fleur de peau

Skin in the summer

Feel good about yourself , get a new look , change your skin , have angelic skin comes in a number of expressions. But did you know that the skin is both… An envelope , and not just any e...

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Marc, cueilleur aux doigts d’or

Marc, a picker with golden fingers

TiL is a holistic beauty and self-care brand, whose creation was entirely guided by the holistic tree par excellence, the linden tree. Not just any linden trees, but the more than century-old lind...

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Maison de famille, refuge ou galère ?

Family home, refuge or nightmare ?!

Who has never said or heard, after a vacation at the family home, “ I won’t be taken back there again ”?! Place of all letting go or, on the contrary, of silent ruminations, cascades of laughter o...

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Le jardin potager, terre d’abondance

The vegetable garden, land of abundance

Do you know of many ways to recharge your batteries, to get back to basics, to be connected to Nature, to ensure your food autonomy, to contribute to the preservation of the environment, to have b...

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Salade green aux légumes d’été et sauce au basilic pimentée

Green salad with summer vegetables and spicy basil sauce

by MarieFoodTips For 2 people : 480 g pea pods (i.e. 170 g shelled peas) 280 g green beans 150 g wild asparagus 2 handfuls of baby spinach A handful of edamame 9 tablespoons of olive oil 11 g of...

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Les incroyables fleurs vertueuses du tilleul

The incredible virtuous flowers of the linden tree

A tree of incredible abundance , the linden tree is a virtuous plant with multiple benefits and uses for millennia . Like no other, it knows how to soothe and regenerate the skin, body and mind , ...

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La tarte de printemps

Spring pie

A gourmet tart, topped with ricotta cream and small vegetables by @marie_food_tips For 6 persons : A puff pastry 250g ricotta 1/2 lemon A drizzle of olive oil Salt Pepper 4 g dil...

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Faire peau nette, LE geste santé et éclat

Cleansing the skin, the health and radiance gesture

If in the past, beauty often consisted of hiding imperfections due to lack of hygiene , in 2022 the skin of the face, ultra exposed to aggression , must be clear, pure and radiant because it is th...

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