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The Journal

Il était une fois… Le tilleul

Once upon a time, there was the linden tree…

Il était une fois… Le tilleul

Once upon a time, there was the linden tree…

Do you remember that blessed time when you were lying in your little bed, your daddy and/or mommy would sit next to you, and start telling you a story… the one that would gently take you to the la...

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À la découverte de notre actif exclusif

Discovering our exclusive cosmetic active ingredient

A unique tree of abundance , the linden tree has been providing its multiple virtues for millennia . A medicinal plant listed in the pharmacopoeia, it knows how to soothe and regenerate while smel...

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Chill & TiL!

Chill & TiL!

Chill, or relax in good French! Calm down, take a break, decompress, let go… We don’t know about you, but we imagine that you are like us… running after time, with a heavy mental load, an endless ...

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Une touche de sérénité dans votre assiette

A touch of serenity on your plate

What if eating could also be soothing? What if at the end of your fork, there was calm? Food and stress are closely intertwined, because stress influences appetite and all our eating behaviors, by...

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Comment mieux dormir ?

How to sleep better?

One third of our life is spent sleeping, so when sleep is difficult, it’s a real problem! However, it seems that in 50 years we have lost 1h30 of sleep… It is not always easy to fall asleep when y...

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Vert par nature

Green by nature

Did you say green? Green, sustainable, clean… all these anglicisms are everywhere, with more or less sincerity… At TiL, we are just green by nature! Because the entire creation of the brand has be...

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Rencontre avec Alexandre Jollien, philosophe de la Joie !

An encounter with Alexandre Jollien, philosopher of Joy

 What if for once we talked about joy? Joy is a central emotion at TiL. If it is particularly dear to our hearts, it is because of its promise in these troubled times, since it soothes body a...

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Alléger le stress, ce fléau

Relieve stress, this scourge

If you are not or never stressed , you are part of a happy minority ! The reasons for stress are plethoric, and can not only ruin life , but have serious consequences on health . ...

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Comment prolonger les bienfaits de l’été ?

How to prolong the benefits of summer?

It had to happen … 😬 Have you noticed how we manage to put our heads in the sand during the summer, literally and figuratively, saying “we’ll see about that in the fall”?  Well, here we are! ...

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TiL Tips pour l’été

TiL Tips for summer

Summer is the season of the heart in Chinese medicine. Associated with fire, it is the phase of maximum growth and blossoming, when the Yang is at its peak. The heart facilitates the circulation of...

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