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The Journal

La Lune, une lumière dans la nuit

The Moon, a light in the night

La Lune, une lumière dans la nuit

The Moon, a light in the night

  For the skeptics who talk about wives’ tales, or simple popular beliefs, when we talk about the influence of the Moon, here is a deciphering which makes us very humble at TiL in front of s...

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Féminin sacré

Sacred feminine

In many ancient traditions, from the Greeks to the Saxons, via the Slavs and the Scandinavians, the linden tree is associated with female deities or legendary women. A feminine tree in essence, it...

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TiL, ou le Tilleul recréé dans toute sa force végétale

TiL, or the Linden tree recreated in all its vegetal strength

  In this second episode, we interview Jean-Yves Berthon, founder and director of the Greentech Group, the originator of TiL’s exclusive asset. At the heart of TiL and its cosmetic range, an ...

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Mousse de citron à La Poudre Zéro Souci

Mousse de citron à La Poudre Zéro Souci

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes 3 œufs bio 30 gr de sucre en poudre * 1 c. à café de La Poudre Zéro Souci le jus et le zeste d’ ½ citron non traité (avec la pulpe) 120g de mascarpone 1 pamplemousse r...

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TiL, ou tous les pouvoirs du tilleul concentrés dans un seul actif

TiL, or all the powers of the linden tree concentrated in a single active ingredient

TiL is a beauty and self-care brand, holistic because it was created from the holistic tree par excellence, the linden tree. It was he who guided the entire creation process. He, or rather they, ...

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Coquilles St Jacques aux topinambours rôtis et sirop d’agrumes

Coquilles St Jacques aux topinambours rôtis et sirop d’agrumes

Ingrédients pour 4 personnes 800gr de topinambours 2 échalotes 4 gousses d’ail Thym frais et 1 feuille de laurier ½ citron 4 brins d’Aneth frais 100 ml de jus de pamplemousse frais Le zeste d’1/2...

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1,2,3 … Détox

1,2,3 … Detox

  The beginning of January … the festive season has passed (for those who were able to take advantage of it…) and its procession of fatigue, emotions and often overeating… At the beginning o...

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Rencontre avec Laurence Monce, sylvothérapeute

Interview with Laurence Monce, sylvotherapist

Sylvotherapy is not yet very well known in France, can you explain to us what it consists of?  Sylvotherapy is an ancestral practice which consists of immersing oneself in the forest in order...

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Pomme surprise !

Surprise apple!

Ingredients for 2 people: 2 “Canada Gris” apples (a little more tart) OR  2 “pippin queen” apples (a little sweeter) 10g dried cranberry 2 Medjool dates 20g pecans 1 tbsp. Map...

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Envie de chaleur ?

Want warmth?

Everyone talks to you about winter and the cold, well we want to talk to you about heat! The one that we share , the one that warms our hearts and minds , the one that we want to receive but also ...

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