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L’été à fleur de peau

Skin in the summer

Feel good about yourself , get a new look , change your skin , have angelic skin comes in a number of expressions. But did you know that the skin is both…

  • An envelope , and not just any envelope!! A surface area of ​​1.8 m2 (adult) and a weight of 3 to 5 kg; it is the largest organ in the entire human body and it is also 2000 billion cells…
  • A barrier against agressions (heat, cold, sun, pollution, etc.), 
  • A place of exchange that sends and receives messages (hormonal, immune, etc.)
  • A multisensory organ that experiences all the senses : the skin smells, feels, tastes etc.

This shows that the skin must be cherished, pampered, pampered ... And the seasons like summer or winter put it to a severe test.

The skin in summer

The skin changes in summer, and the balance of its protective hydrolipidic film is threatened. It thickens with exposure to the sun, it is a natural phenomenon of protection against UVB rays. Faced with heat , it sweats and therefore dehydrates and in reaction produces fat. The symptoms of oily skin become more pronounced, it is more shiny, the pores dilate and become blocked more easily. The result is little buttons at the start of the school year and we really don't need that at that time!

Summer skin care

Above all, obviously, protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun with a good anti-UVA and B sunscreen product , with a high index, SPF 50 , on both the face and the body . The sun is one of the main factors of accelerated aging , because of UVA which destroys collagen fibers , promotes the formation of wrinkles , sagging and spots , and yes… all that at the same time! UVB rays cause sunburn and burns. 

Avoid formulas that are too greasy, but on the other hand, apply them very generously and very often . And, we agree, not an old product from last year!! 

  • Clean deeply but gently

To rid the skin of perspiration , dead cells, sunscreen , and unclog pores , the morning and evening cleansing phase is more essential than ever.

It must be deep but soft, and we recommend fresh textures, rinseable with plenty of water , such as "La Gelée A Fleur de Peau", our Soothing Cleaninsg & Make up Remover Gel . A delicious jelly with the delicious scent of linden blossom , which on contact with water , transforms into a very soft foam , and removes all dirt and impurities , creates new and luminous skin , giving an incredible feeling of well-being. be. With its natural ingredients (99%), including the active ingredient Tiliactiv4® with 4 parts of linden, it is THE purity gesture par excellence in summer . 

A tip: use fresh water , it tightens the pores

  • Moisturize, inside and out

The sea , chlorine from swimming pools , wind and sun , combined with the increased evaporation of water contained in the skin, dry it out and dehydrate it. It becomes more sensitive and tight , flakes and renews itself less well. And, double the penalty, the tan lasts less long.

This is true for the face but also the body , too often forgotten throughout the year!

In summer, we take the opportunity to pamper it, washing it carefully but with a soft and natural formula (95.7%) like the Gel Qui Fait Chanter and its creamy and abundant foam. Delicately scented with notes of linden flowers , it leaves the skin perfectly clean and soft , then ready to be hydrated with our Soothing Body Lotion, "Le Lait Corps et Âme" , a veil that makes the skin silky and smooth . Of 98% natural origin, it contains, in addition to Tiliactiv4® , ivy and horsetail for firming . And of course, it is applied from the top of the neck to the tips of the toes.

Our tip: use a double dose, for the pleasure of freshness and because thirsty skin will drink it all up quickly.

As for the body, it too hydrates ! It needs water , you must drink it in all its forms (but not ice cold), at least 1.5 liters per day . On your plate, favor foods rich in water and/or antioxidants , such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, salads and watermelons. Your skin will also thank you ☺.

  • Soothe and repair

Heated by the sun, bombarded with rays which promote the formation of free radicals and create oxidative stress, the skin needs soothing and repair :

  • Extinguish the fire , by acting on the inflammation caused by UVB rays which attack keratinocytes, the cells located in the epidermis. The reddening of the skin is an alert , but even without getting there, the skin is under stress .
  • Help the skin to regenerate, particularly during the night , when the skin is at its peak of cellular renewal.

At the heart of our Regenerating Night Balm, "Le Baume Qui Ressource" , Tiliactiv4 ®, which combines buds, flowers, leaves and branches of linden , has a calming and anti-inflammatory activity (64% inhibition).  Rich in flavonoids , including tiliroside , with powerful antioxidant properties , it traps  68.7% of free radicals.

It slows down aging accelerated by sun exposure, and preserves the supporting tissue, collagen and elastin. Surrounded by centifolia rose, passion flower, nasturtium and alfalfa , it ensures a restorative sleep for the skin, which wakes up soothed, smoothed and plumped. 98% natural origin, and vegan

Our tip : in summer, keep it in the refrigerator , melt it in the evening between your hands, and spread it in a generous layer on the face, neck and décolleté. Remove the excess after 15 minutes.

Summer tips

Avoid air conditioning , which is very bad for both the skin and the planet . Do not let sea or swimming pool water dry on your skin, it dehydrates it, but dab gently. Remember to walk around incognito, with a hat and sunglasses !
Let go of the screens , blue light accelerates aging . No need to combine with UV rays!

Take advantage of the holidays to sleep , it's the best beauty secret. Do a physical activity, walking in the sea for example, we love it. The idea in any case is to move while having fun. Avoid drinking too much alcohol , that goes without saying, although we won't deprive you of swimming pool rosé either ☺ 

Forget industrial dishes and favor all yellow-orange and red fruits and vegetables.

Detoxify the body with our detox & glow food supplement ( "La Poudre Zéro Souci") , our detoxifying, relaxing and radiant skin food supplement, concentrated linden, lemon balm, burdock, vitamin B6 and magnesium. It also promotes sleep. Frozen, it is delicious in the evening in summer... Play with freshness on all registers, even perfumed. Our fragrance, "L'Eau Qui Enlace", is a luminous and tender eau de toilette, created by Francis Kurkdjian, which takes you down an aisle of  linden trees in bloom. Fresh, delicate, it has this little "clean linen" side that is delicious in summer... Try to let go and stay calm , even with your mother-in-law and/or daughter-in-law, other people's children, or even your partner ☺ : stress causes the skin to age prematurely!

And above all, laugh, laugh, and love

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