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Il était une fois… Le tilleul

Once upon a time, there was the linden tree…

Do you remember that blessed time when you were lying in your little bed, your daddy and/or mommy would sit next to you, and start telling you a story… the one that would gently take you to the land of dreams, reassure you, calm you, comfort you…

Some evenings, I feel so much like finding this feeling of calmness and the certainty that nothing can happen to us! It’s not so easy to fall asleep when you go to bed exhausted, with your nerves in a tangle, your mind spinning non-stop, your endless to-do list…


We have a trick: think of a tree, the tree of serenity, the most protective and healing of all. Instead of doing the famous “bodyscan” to fall asleep, we scan this tree.

We imagine ourselves under its shade, embracing its huge trunk, caressing its moss, feeling its energy, breathing its perfume, listening to the bees that forage there… a sensory experience that makes you travel and give in to sleep.

There are many trees. But this one has a story like no other…

Once upon a time, there was a tree venerated for centuries, loved all over the world, already sacred in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, planted in the center of Gallic villages for the medicine of the Druids, near hospitals by royal order in the Middle Ages, in French gardens in the 18th century, used by the kings’ doctors, worn as a protective amulet… a tree so virtuous that literature has often celebrated it, from Ovid to La Fontaine, through Colette or Proust with his madeleine...

This is the story of a tree that has many nicknames, the tree of abundance, the tree of medicine, the tree of joy, the tree of love dedicated to Venus, because of its pretty heart-shaped leaf, the feminine tree, the tree of goddesses or the tree of light. Or the tree of justice because it favors conciliation, or the tree of freedom, planted during the Revolution in all the communes of France.

It is the most generous tree that exists. Everything in it does good, sapwood, flowers, leaves, buds, branches… So it lives with and close to men and provides its benefits to their spirit, their body and their skin… And men give it back nicely. Tree of the link, it is their best companion, who watches over them, everywhere, on the squares of the villages, in the schoolyards, in front of the houses in the countryside. Its immense and perfumed shade shelters the big tables, the children’s games, the whispered confidences, the lovers’ kisses and the summer naps.

This is the story of a tree that can do everything!

Nourishing, it is edible, and its June harvests have always infused relaxation and serenity on winter nights.

Healer, it is able to take care of the body. Medicinal plant registered in the pharmacopoeia, it knows how to detoxify the liver and the kidneys.

Soothing, it is able to calm the spirit, to lavish joy, and to push away melancholy.

Beautifying, it is able to do wonders on the skin, by being full of beneficial, soothing, anti-oxidant and moisturizing molecules.

Fragrant, it is even able to embalm, a few days a year, of a divine perfume with the smell of honey and white flowers.

This tree is not in a hurry.
Neither slow nor fast.
It moves at its own pace because it is a good pace.
It is on time every season.
Never late, always on time.
Always joyful.
It is the sacred tree.
The majestic tree that inspires well-being.
It releases stress, it soothes the mood.

Anchored in the ground, looking up to the sky,
he is power and calm.
Strength and serenity.
Strength and harmony.
It is the balance of the elements. 

A tree like no other.
A benevolent tree.
A protective tree.
It does good to everyone.
It knows how to calm the mind.
It knows how to awaken the spirit of innocence and regenerate the youth of the body.
It knows how to reactivate beauty and well-being.


Its shade in the middle of summer is a haven.
Its branches shelter a buzz of life.
Its flowers soothe stress, its buds rejuvenate the skin.
Its fragrance comforts.
Once upon a time, there was the linden tree…

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