Detox is now!
Have you noticed that we always talk about detox after the holidays, but in fact it is before that we should do it, to prepare the body for all the rich and drunken meals it will eat at Christmas and at the end of the year. In fact, it’s a pre-detox that can save the day! It’s just a matter of limiting the daily efforts made by the stomach, liver and pancreas 7 days before Christmas, with some basic rules, so frankly it’s possible!
We’ve put together a little to-do list to make your life easier… so you don’t have any excuses.
What is detoxification?
The dictionary indicates that it is the elimination of toxins by a living organism.
In short, it is biochemical reactions that transform toxic substances, which the body cannot get rid of, into derivatives that it can evacuate (urine, stool, bile, sweat). It is essentially the liver that works (every minute, 1 and a half liters of blood pass through it) by making the waste water-soluble, but also 4 other emunctories (organs of elimination): lungs, intestines, kidneys and skin. This one evacuates toxins in 2 ways, by sweat (sweat glands) and by sebum (sebaceous glands).
The emunctories, filter organs or exit doors, are all to be pampered by draining them, because if toxins accumulate, they saturate and no longer eliminate: breathing well, eating fibers, drinking plenty of water, not clogging the pores of the skin are essential reflexes.
The pre-tox before the holidays
It is called pre-tox… The objective? To cleanse the body, to open the emunctories so that they are as efficient as possible when they must eliminate the heap of toxins to come !
– The day starts with a glass of hot water sprinkled with lemon juice and continues with at least a liter and a half of water, to drain… pure water, herbal teas, ginger infusions, green tea packed with antioxidants, super energizing fruit and vegetable juice cocktails, the choice is wide.
– Take it easy on fats, sugars, alcohol… always the same culprits… but you’ll feel lighter and less sleepy after a meal, and you’ll be able to take care of your liver.
- Pedal softly on animal proteins. Limit meat (which puts a heavy strain on the liver and kidneys), fatty fish, dairy products, especially cheese, and of course junk food.
– Focus on vegetables and fruits : We go for light foods full of vitamins and minerals, and as it is cold, we eat soup and vegetables in all their forms; their fibers, improves digestion. The more fiber you eat, the more you feel full, so the less you eat. Use and abuse of cabbage, broccoli, artichokes and black radish which detoxify and drains, with olive or walnut oil. As for fruits, they fight against oxidative stress, i.e., against the excess of free radicals that accelerate aging.
– Go for physical exercise : We try to forget our laziness and do some sport, for several reasons: burning fat is good for the body because it stores toxins, sport helps digestion and, in addition, sweating helps eliminate toxins.
– As much sleep as possible. We go to bed less late, in a cool room (18°), without screens. The more you sleep, the less ghrelin, or appetite hormone, you produce…so it’s all good!
The cherry on the cake
1 teaspoon every night in hot water or sprinkled on your dessert will allow you to face the holidays in good shape.
Moral of the story, detoxify before the holidays, to live with a light heart and body, and with glowing skin. And don’t feel guilty on New Year’s Eve, it’s only once a year and frankly, at TiL, we think we all need and deserve to treat ourselves and comfort ourselves by offering sweetness. And that, detoxifies the spirit.