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The Journal

La Tarte des Fées et sa salade fraîche de saison

The Tarte des Fées and its fresh seasonal salad

La Tarte des Fées et sa salade fraîche de saison

The Tarte des Fées and its fresh seasonal salad

Ingredients for 4/5 people 100g sheep trotters 60g gray chanterelles 60g death trumpets 60g shiitake 10g dried porcini mushrooms 10cl of hot water 100g chopped leek 50g chopped ...

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Comment traverser l’hiver ?

How to get through the winter?

  Entering winter, and the cold… what influences on our skin, our body and our mind? And what are the best ways to live through these not always easy moments? This is what we share with you,...

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Rituels pour un meilleur sommeil

Rituals for better sleep

If like us, when you get up in the morning, you welcome this new day with gratitude because it will bring you its share of joys and perhaps of sorrows, but in any case life... But if you als...

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Francis Kurkdjian : « un grand parfum, ça sent beau ! »

Francis Kurkdjian: “a great perfume, it smells beautiful!” »

" Sylvie and Odile came to find me to talk to me about their project on their property... It's a project that took a long time to set up like any entrepreneurial project, it's not just the creatio...

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Quenelles de patate douce à la sauge et au thym

Sweet potato dumplings with sage and thyme

Ingredients for 2 people, in a single dish 1 medium-sized sweet potato of French origin (around 350 to 400g) 15g grated parmesan 200 gr of T45 wheat flour 1 whole egg ¼ tsp. teaspoon cinnamon...

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Le corps et l’esprit au diapason de la nature

Body and mind in tune with nature

Energetic meeting with Delphine Tazi, DO osteopath.   She talks to us about body and mind harmony, and essential links with nature. When the body, emotions and nature are so intimately linked...

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Tarte aux figues rôties et mascarpone à la poudre zéro souci

Roasted fig and mascarpone tart with zero-worry powder

Ingredients for 6 people For the shortcrust pastry: 250 gr of T45 flour 50g powdered sugar ¼ tsp. teaspoon of salt 120g cold unsalted butter 1 egg yolk 2 to 4 cl of cold water 700 gr of ...

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Le Tilleul, star des jardins à la française

The Linden tree, star of French gardens

If the linden tree spans the centuries and countries and is still loved, it is because it is good for people. Adorned with all the virtues,it is at the same time the beneficial tree of the neighbor...

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Ça existe un complément alimentaire efficace et gourmand ?

That exists an effective and greedy food complement ?

And if a food complement existed almost in the natural state… ? There is one: the Linden tree, the only tree that does good for the whole body, mind and skin. So, when combined with other...

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#TimeForRecycling : Valorisation des pots vides chez TiL

#TimeForRecycling :How to recycle Til’s empty jars ?

The European week of sustainable development took place again at the beginning of the month to raise awareness and promote the gestures around the environment and daily actions, because everyone at...

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