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La Tarte des Fées et sa salade fraîche de saison

The Tarte des Fées and its fresh seasonal salad

Ingredients for 4/5 people
100g sheep trotters
60g gray chanterelles
60g death trumpets
60g shiitake
10g dried porcini mushrooms
10cl of hot water
100g chopped leek
50g chopped shallot
2 cloves of pink garlic, chopped
1 bay leaf
½ bunch of fresh coriander
Black pepper
Kororima (seeds of paradise)
25g of unsalted butter
5 cl white wine
2 cl rum or cognac
20cl of whipping cream
2 eggs
2 cases. grated Parmesan (or Comté)
For the shortcrust pastry:
250g T45 flour
120g salted churned butter, cold
1 egg yolk
5cl of cold water
For the seasonal salad:
4 endives, ½ bunch of fresh coriander, and Catherine’s Vinaigrette: 
Sherry vinegar, olive oil, zest and juice of an organic lemon (or Yuzu), chopped garlic

Feel-good ingredients

  • The trumpet of death makes  part of the lightest plants and is rich in fiber and protein. In addition, this mushroom is an excellent source of group B vitamins, but also other rarer but necessary ones such as vitamins D , E and K.
  • Rich in fiber, sheep's foot is also an asset for intestinal transit. Rich in vitamin E , it is a healthy gesture to adopt from the fall to prevent damage from oxidative stress on cells. It is also an excellent source of selenium and, in addition to vitamin E, it contains the full range of B vitamins , known for their actions on energy and dynamism.

Trust your market gardeners for your mushrooms, or, if you pick them yourself,
always show them to your pharmacist before cooking them . 

  • Leek is a source of vitamin C which stimulates the immune system, participates in the formation of collagen and the proper functioning of the nervous system, and stimulates the absorption of iron.
  • Coriander : “Its main actions are digestive, aperitive (it stimulates the appetite), toning, anti-infectious, antibacterial”, lists Christelle Lassort, naturopath and alternative medicine therapist. Due to its vitamin K and flavonoid content, it is also antioxidant.
  • Endive : Source of vitamins (notably vitamin K which helps retain calcium in bone mass) and antioxidant minerals, it provides selenium and fiber. 

Preheat the fan oven to 170°

Start by preparing the shortcrust pastry 

Mix the butter and flour to form a sort of sand, then add the egg yolk and cold water, and gently incorporate with your fingers, forming a disk.

Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 

Clean the mushrooms

Remove the soil, small moss, roots, etc. with your finger. Open the trumpet stems to thoroughly clean the inside. Scrape the sheep's feet with a knife. Then gently wash all the fresh mushrooms in cold water. Put the dried porcini mushrooms in 10 cl of hot water, and then keep the porcini water. Chop all the mushrooms. 

Prepare leek, garlic, shallots, coriander… 

Wash, dry and chop the leek (the white and a little bit of the green). 

Chop the shallots.

Peel the garlic, and remember to remove the central root of the clove, before chopping it finely. 

Clean the bunch of coriander, separate the leaves and stems, then chop the stems (that's where the flavor is!). You will use the leaves in the seasonal salad which will accompany the Tarte des Fées… ☺

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan with the broken bay leaf, black pepper and crushed Kokorima. 

When the bay leaves start to brown, add the chopped leek/shallot/garlic mixture to the pan. 

When the shallots start to brown, add the white wine. When it has evaporated, add the mushroom mixture. Salt lightly, and add the remaining water from the porcini mushrooms, mix. Let it cook and the water from the mushrooms drains slowly into the pan. 

Finish cooking the mushrooms : when the bottom of the pan starts to stick a little, add the rum and as soon as it has evaporated, add the cold butter, and scrape the juices from the bottom of the pan, then add the chopped stems coriander. When the stems are cooked and their water has evaporated, add the liquid cream. Let reduce, add a handful of grated Parmesan (or Comté), cook for a minute then remove from the heat and leave to cool on the side.

Meanwhile, take the dough out of the fridge, flour the work surface, roll it out with a rolling pin, and place it in the mold.

When the mushroom/cream mixture has cooled, add the 2 beaten whole eggs. Taste. If necessary add a little salt.

Pour the mixture onto the base of the tart, add a handful of grated Parmesan (or Comté) and a twist of the pepper mill. Bring the edges partly on top of the mixture and brown with the rest of the egg yolk from the bottom of the bowl, and a little liquid cream.

Bake for around 35 minutes at 170°!!

Prepare the endive salad…

Remove the first leaves, cut the bottoms, then cut the endives.

Dressing: mix one tbsp. teaspoon of mustard, organic lemon zest, half of a grated garlic clove, black pepper, fleur de sel, then when you have obtained a sort of paste, add 2 tbsp. of sherry vinegar, the juice of half a lemon, 5 to 6 tbsp. tablespoon of olive oil, and half of the coriander leaves…

Pour everything over the endives, mix, and sprinkle with the other half of the coriander leaves.

Take the tart out of the oven and serve it with its endive and coriander salad. The blend of flavors is exquisite!

Serve a little Chablis with it, and enjoy….

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