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The Journal

Le neuroglow, au cœur de TiL

Neuroglow, at the heart of TiL

Le neuroglow, au cœur de TiL

Neuroglow, at the heart of TiL

Is it because life may lack radiance for some at the moment that the radiance, or the famous glow, is on everyone’s lips when it comes to beauty? Gone are the days when we only talked about wrinkl...

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Le tilleul, arbre de sante et beaute universel

The linden tree, a universal source of health and beauty

The dictionary of the Académie Française defines the word “universal” as follows: “Extending to everything, spreading everywhere. Considered common to all people.” And we add, “beneficial to eve...

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Il est temps d’adapter sa routine de soin au froid

It's time to adapt your skincare routine to the cold

Here we are! After months of summer, sunshine, and warmth, temperatures are returning to normal, and the cold is arriving. Put away the sandals and light cotton dresses; we’re changing our wardr...

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Crème de jour, crème de nuit, interchangeable ?

Day cream, night cream, interchangeable?

  If you’re one of those who think that one cream is enough for both morning and evening, as it’s all the same, you might change your mind after reading on! They are highly complementary, and...

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Les pouvoirs de l’odeur

The power of scent

  Olfaction and the brain are closely linked, as evidenced by the incredible power of evocation and the emotions experienced when capturing just a scent wafting through the air! Buried sensat...

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La cosmétique par les plantes

Cosmetics through plants

Throughout time , in all civilizations and parts of the world, the plant world has been used not only for medical purposes, but also for beauty , because it is an unlimited source of benefits. ...

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Belle à tout âge !

Beautiful at any age!

If there is one thing we believe in at TiL, it is that beauty is not measured by the number of years and wrinkles we have! They are the reflection of our lives, our moments of joy and sadness, our...

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Quand un arbre, le Tilleul, est un anxiolytique naturel…

When a tree, the Linden, is a natural anxiolytic…

  Do you not find that, even if you do not have a particularly anxious temperament, the current climate is super anxiety-inducing? We certainly do! While anxiety is a natural phenomenon the n...

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TiL, ou l’Art du Tout

TiL, or the art of wholeness

  Should effectiveness be complicated? Should there be many active ingredients in a formula and many products in a beauty and well-being routine? At TIL, we have embraced the simplicity ...

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Sœur de sang, sœur de cœur

Blood sister, heart sister

The somewhat “marketing” parties at TiL are not really our cup of tea (or linden), but this one particularly resonates! Siblings Day, April 10, has existed for 25 years in the United...

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