An anti-aging night cream, what’s the point?
The regenerating “herbal tea” for the skin
Is it necessary to use a night cream ? What is the use of it ? Which one to choose ?
The skin is a psychic organ that reveals a lot about us… our age, our state of fatigue and our emotions.
If you are tired, stressed, exposed to daily environmental aggressions, it shows on your skin. Like you, it needs to be in good shape to face the next day, which may not always be a happy one. If not, what? It ages prematurely. Because what shows on the surface, drawn features, dull complexion, wrinkles, loose skin, is only the reflection of the damage suffered inside the skin. You know, the famous hidden part of the iceberg …
It is at night that your skin is able to regenerate itself, and it is at this time that it must be helped by infusing it with effective active ingredients. To keep the rested look that immediately makes you feel better and more beautiful.
Night cream, day cream, how does it work?
What is the difference between the two? It’s simple: during the day we protect, at night we regenerate.
In the morning, a moisturizing and protective cream
With or without a protection factor depending on whether or not you are exposed to the sun. It allows the skin to be well hydrated all day long, to remain comfortable, to have a fresh complexion, and to limit the damage of free radicals created by daily aggressions, thanks to anti-oxidants.
In the evening, focus on cell regeneration
This is where we repair, detoxify and re-energize the skin with a care product concentrated in active ingredients. In addition, it is nourished and moisturized in depth. So that it is in full form the following day. The night cream thus has a preventive and curative role at the same time.
The 2 are complementary and not interchangeable! And the sooner you start, the better it is!
The nightlife of the skin
Batteries need to be recharged, and so does the skin’s. And it’s only at night that this happens, because that’s when it can regenerate itself. During the day, it is far too busy forming a protective shield against all kinds of aggressions…
While we sleep, the skin is working hard for us: its cells divide to better renew themselves. Cellular renewal begins around 11 p.m., and between midnight and 1 a.m., it reaches its peak where it is 3 times more important than in the middle of the day. The skin is then at the peak of its regenerative capacity, and replaces its dead cells with new ones. The microcirculation is activated, the skin repairs itself and reinforces its protective barrier.
First beauty secret
Don’t go to bed at 2 a.m. because your skin will have missed the right time slot, to get enough sleep (never forget that there is a curfew for your skin!). Otherwise, the skin is too tired to recover, its aging accelerates (lack of sleep would multiply by 2 the signs of aging*!). Especially since this regeneration capacity decreases with age…
Second secret
After thorough cleansing, apply an anti-aging facial care product in the evening that :
- Favors regeneration.
- Helps repair the damage caused by the various stresses that the skin has suffered.
- Reinforces the skin’s protective capacity to face the next day.
*source Estee Lauder/université de Cleveland)
Skin and stress, beware of danger
This is the very example of a vicious circle: stress causes skin problems and these problems cause stress….
Occasional stress
Did you know that the skin and the brain have the same embryonic origin? When we know that, we understand better their close relationship… in case of stress, the skin goes into inflammatory mode to defend itself, and produces hormones like cortisol. But this same cortisol weakens the skin and accelerates its aging by degrading the support fibers, collagen and elastin. In fact, stress destroys skin harmony and accentuates all imbalances.
Chronic stress
Free radicals create “oxidative stress” when the skin’s natural defense system is no longer able to compensate for the aggressions.
Who is responsible? Pollution, stress, fatigue, poor diet or lifestyle, tobacco, UV rays, allergens, electro-magnetic waves… generate 80% of the signs of skin aging. Indeed, they attack a certain number of constituents of the skin.
The skin has natural antioxidant mechanisms, but most of the time its defenses are overwhelmed. This is where the antioxidant actives come in to protect our skin from the damages caused by free radicals (dehydration, inflammation…) and slow down the visible signs of aging.
Night care, at any age
There is no age to start using expert night care. The earlier the better for a preventive effect. They allow the epidermis to defend itself more effectively and preserve the youth and beauty of the face for longer. They will continue to eliminate excess free radicals in the cells. By stimulating skin regeneration, they maintain the density and lusciousness of the skin. We can’t say it enough: don’t wait for fine lines and wrinkles to appear before applying an anti-aging night cream, it’s well before that that you should pamper your skin while you sleep…
Night cream, the essential molecules
The stars of the night are the anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and regenerants.
They help to repair the damage suffered by the cells.
Polyphenols, powerful natural antioxidants, are very present in plants. They help the skin to better fight against free radicals and the sun’s UV rays. They also boost microcirculation, as well as the production of elastin and collagen.
The most active family are the flavonoids, very powerful. They are able to directly neutralize free radicals and repair oxidized cell membranes.
A flavonoid in particular is very present in linden: tiliroside, which preserves the integrity of cells to delay the process of skin aging. A true anti-aging active ingredient, tiliroside also preserves elastin and collagen fibers to prevent skin slackening preceding the appearance of wrinkles. Linden has high anti-oxidant capacities, as demonstrated by Tiliactiv4®, which has a capacity to trap 68.7% of free radicals (0.5% concentration – GREENTECH study).
Anti-inflammatories or soothing agents
All aggressions, pollution, stress, lack of sleep, produce oxidants, and create tiny inflammatory lesions. Over time, they degrade the cells and the elements that make up the skin. An underground but very real undermining work!
With the years, the body can no longer fight against this silent inflammation and aging accelerates: sagging, wrinkles, loss of radiance … It is therefore essential to soothe the inflammation of the skin.
Linden, universally celebrated for its soothing action since the dawn of time, and still thanks to tiliroside in particular, regulates the inflammatory response and thus reduces skin inflammation. The tests carried out on Tiliactiv4® showed a capacity of inhibition of 64% of a mediator of the inflammation (Greentech Study).
Regenerating agents
For the skin to regenerate, it must eliminate its dead cells and produce new ones continuously. Did you know that we lose 4 grams of skin per day? From the age of 30, this regeneration capacity decreases. It is therefore necessary to stimulate this cellular renewal and at the same time protect the support fibers, collagen and elastin.
This is exactly what Tiliactiv4® does, as it restructures and regenerates the layers of the skin, thus slowing down the development and deepening of wrinkles. It protects the volume of the skin and its biomechanical properties such as elasticity, suppleness and flexibility.
Recreating the effects of sleep on the skin
Inflammation and oxidative stress are very intertwined and each one supports the other, which is typically what we call a vicious circle. Inflamed cells produce free radicals, which are responsible for oxidative stress. And oxidative stress causes inflammation…. It is thus necessary to act at the same time on these 2 mechanisms.
This is what the molecules of the linden tree do, combining anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory powers, in addition to their regenerating action.
By acting on the whole process, night after night, we can recreate the effects of sleep on the skin: rested features, plump, supple and smooth skin, fresh complexion.
A peaceful mind for a beautiful skin
Stress has a negative impact on the skin, but on the other hand – and that’s the good news- well-being also has a positive impact!
A calm and relaxed psyche makes the skin more beautiful.
So any way you can relax your mind and take the time to pamper yourself is a good one! From a delicious scent of a cream, to a self-massage, to a moment of meditation or breathing exercises, all these little tricks before going to sleep will further increase the effectiveness of your night care. And your skin will look fresh and rested the next day when you wake up….