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Faire peau nette, LE geste santé et éclat

Cleansing the skin, the health and radiance gesture

If in the past, beauty often consisted of hiding imperfections due to lack of hygiene , in 2022 the skin of the face, ultra exposed to aggression , must be clear, pure and radiant because it is the expression of a good health . At the beginning...a perfect cleansing , without which no other skincare or makeup product is effective. 

Yesterday, camouflage

From the Middle Ages, everything visible was washed, especially the face.

Besides, Diane de Poitiers in the 15th century set the standards of French beauty for the next 100 years: every woman had to have, like her: three white things: skin, teeth, hands...

To do this, women spread white lead, which is super toxic for the skin. And to hide the defects, a mask of flour and egg white. (Pr. Yannick De Roeck-Holtzhauer)

In the 17th century the dry toilet appeared, people being afraid of the water supposed to carry miasmas (legacy of the plague), and under Louis XIV, we used all possible artifices, to appear clean and beautiful: flies on the face hid the pimples and scars  smallpox . In summary, no hygiene, and camouflage operation

Diane de Poitiers (around 1555),
workshop of François Clouet, Chantilly, Condé museum.


Today, a purification and a sensory gesture..

Phew, things have changed! Today, facial cleansing responds to a growing quest for purity and sensoriality . It's an intimate moment , where we reveal ourselves, we lay ourselves bare , a real moment of pleasure , which sets the tone for any skincare ritual . 

Water has been reintegrated into rituals, thanks to influences from Asia, and it allows us to experience changes in texture and delicious sensations upon contact. Symbol of purification , even in religions, water resources and washes impurities from the body but also from the mind .

Limited in recent decades to the use of a cleansing milk or micellar water , the cleaning process has not only become more demanding , but above all corresponds to a real awareness :  a cleansing worthy of the name is the first reflex to adopt for pretty, beautiful and healthy skin.
The famous glow or radiance that we hear about? It is first and foremost clear and pure skin, without which any care becomes superfluous. No point buying radiance care products, with blurring and light-reflecting pigments, if underneath the skin is not totally pure ☺

When to clean your face?

At least, once in the evening and, highly recommended, morning and evening... Yes, we know, twice a day , it may seem superfluous and tedious, but it is the basis of radiance ! So, it is even more essential to make it a moment of relaxation , which constitutes a real airlock, and not a chore . Let's not forget that the face is the part of the body most exposed to external aggression , it deserves to be pampered, right? Besides, it’s the gesture that we learn from early childhood: “ washing off your face ”! From tomato sauce, to Nesquick, to Chantilly cream...the children have gotten used to it, so let's keep it ☺:

In the morning to start the day by clearing the air and waking up the skin , and in the evening to disconnect, get rid of all the impurities and stress accumulated during the day, and reconnect with yourself.

  • In the morning, because the skin secretes sebum during the night and accumulates cells dead , cell renewal being at its peak; there is also night sweating . When you wake up, it is not “dirty”, but congested , and you have to remove everything that is suffocating it, free it, so that it can breathe and regain its freshness. Otherwise, pores become clogged and imperfections accumulate. Especially since sebum promotes the proliferation of bacteria , because it is what nourishes them. In addition, in the morning, cleansing refreshes, tones and awakens the skin.
  • In the evening, all the pollution particles, impurities and dirt from the day, and the makeup (if any) that must be removed. In depth , because beyond preserving the appearance of healthy skin, it is also about preserving the youthfulness of the skin .

Indeed, pollution is a factor in accelerated aging of the skin, because it generates oxidative stress, i.e. free radicals which degrade collagen. And then, do you know what’s happening? Wrinkles and stains ...

In addition, as it is at night that the skin regenerates and exfoliates naturally, it does not do this properly if it is not perfectly free of impurities and traces of makeup, because it needs oxygen to renew itself and recreate its natural protective barrier.

So to avoid dull and blurred complexion, enlarged pores, rough skin, tightness and skin marked by wrinkles, we never skip this step! Even if you don't wear makeup on your face, it must breathe and eliminate dead cells, sebum and bacteria that promote skin inflammation and therefore acne . We have also seen that with the wearing of masks , acne increases...


An absolute must, gentleness !

How to clean your face? 

A whole range of textures exists, with or without water, with or without cotton or fingers... everyone can find their own product. At TiL, we find that milks often spread, rather than remove, impurities, and that micellar waters dry out the skin. But above all we are fans of water , because it alone gives a feeling of purity and freshness , and of our fingers which are the most sensory and ecological at the same time! In addition, they are economical and activate micro-circulation , what else?!

Respect and tenderness, that’s all the skin asks for! No aggression so as not to risk damaging the famous hydro-lipid film which protects the skin. Because if it is damaged, the water evaporates and the skin dries out. 

In addition, “stripping” excites the sebaceous glands which produce even more sebum, in a thicker form… With the dead cells, it  blocks the pores of the skin , thus deprived of oxygen . A real boon for a bacteria naturally present on the skin, "Propionibacterium acnes" , which has a field day in this environment and proliferates, which creates inflammation. The cocktail of increased sebum production and bacterial proliferation causes blackheads and pimples.

So for small pimples, juvenile or adult acne , which have returned in force since masks, you need both components that clean the skin deeply and gently , but also soothing ingredients that calm inflammation !

"La Gelée à Fleur de Peau", the delight of gentle and deep cleansing at the same time

It reproduces a divine linden blossom jelly that was spread on our childhood toast!

At the heart of its formula, all the soothing benefits of linden tree thanks to our exclusive Tiliactiv4® active ingredient composed of flowers, leaves, buds and branches of linden trees from our family estate in Dordogne , combined with very gentle surfactants (foaming cleansing agents). , from plants , such as Coco-glucoside . Ultra delicate , it is 99% of natural origin.

Its unique texture , emulsified with water, transforms into a tender and silky foam, divinely scented with the scent of lime blossom.

It eliminates with rare efficiency all impurities, dead cells, sebum, pollution and makeup, unclogs pores, frees the skin from everything that suffocates it. After each use, it leaves the skin comfortable, fresh and radiant, with an unrivaled feeling of purity and relaxation.


In the morning, it wakes up the skin (and you at the same time!) and prepares it for treatments , in the evening it is a real decompression chamber which removes dirt, makeup, feelings of stress and fatigue . If adults have adopted it to clean and remove make-up from their faces, so have teenagers , because it is extremely effective in deeply but gently cleaning their skin, which is often cluttered with blackheads and small pimples . After 8 days, they see the difference!

Twice for two minutes a day, it's a pure moment of delight : spread it on the face, emulsify with water while massaging, rinse with a large splash of water and dry. 

In 2 steps 3 movements, the skin is ready to receive day or night treatment and it says "thank you" !

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