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Tarte aux figues rôties et mascarpone à la poudre zéro souci

Roasted fig and mascarpone tart with zero-worry powder

Ingredients for 6 people
For the shortcrust pastry:
250 gr of T45 flour
50g powdered sugar
¼ tsp. teaspoon of salt
120g cold unsalted butter
1 egg yolk
2 to 4 cl of cold water
700 gr of ripe figs
150g of mascarpone
1 C. heaped coffee of Zero Worry Powder
2 tbsp. tablespoon of olive oil,
1 bay leaf
2 tbsp. tablespoon of lime honey
5cl of water
Optional: 10cl of Port (or Cognac)
The feel-good ingredients:
Fig : minerals and trace elements, B group vitamins, antioxidants
(flavonoids and carotenoids) and fiber
Zero Worry Powder : concentrated extracts of flowers and linden sapwood,
burdock, lemon balm, vitamin B6 and minerals. 

Preheat the fan oven to 170°

Start with the sweet shortcrust pastry

Mix the flour, icing sugar and salt, break up the icing sugar balls if there are any, then mix with the cold butter,
and make a sort of “sand”. Make a small hole in the “sand” for the egg, and add a few cl of cold water little by little, with your fingers incorporate everything… Then wrap the dough in film, and put it in a bowl in the fridge for 30 minutes .

After 30 minutes, take the dough out of the fridge and flour the work surface. Roll it out to a thickness of a little less than a centimeter, place the mold on the dough to check the diameter, otherwise continue to roll it out. Put the dough in the mold, use your fingers to stick it to the bottom and fill the edges. Roll the rolling pin over the top to cut off the excess dough (this will make cookies!). Prick it with a fork then put it in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Mascarpone with Zero Worry Powder

Prepare 150 gr of mascarpone + 1 tbsp. heaped coffee of Zero Worry Powder + 1 tbsp. teaspoon of icing sugar.
Mix everything well and put in the fridge.


Wash them gently, dry them, and keep 5 figs aside (the ripest). Cut them into 6/8 pieces for the marmalade. Cut the others into 4 to roast them. 

Step 1 – Fig marmalade

Take the 5 cut figs, put them in a saucepan with 5 cl of water, 50 g of sugar, and a sachet of vanilla sugar. Put on the fire, and let it stew. When the water has started to evaporate, add 5cl of Port (optional), and leave to stew.

Step 2 – Roasted figs

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the pan, add a bay leaf and infuse it, then add two tablespoons of Linden honey

Place the figs in the pan, flesh side down, and brown. After 2/3 minutes, change sides to roast them on all sides. When the water has evaporated and the bottom is very syrupy, turn the figs skin side down and add, if you wish, 5cl of Porto.

When they are well roasted, turn off the heat. Let cool.

Mounting :

Take the tart out of the freezer, place it in the oven at 170° for 20 minutes. When it is cooked and golden brown, take it out and put it in the serving dish. Spread the fig marmalade on the bottom, then place the roasted figs nicely in a circle one by one. Take a piping bag (and if you don't have one, make one simply with rolled and taped baking paper!), fill it with the Zéro Souci Powder mascarpone and make small dots of mascarpone on the your pie...

And there you have it… ☺

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