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Journées du Patrimoine, célébration des racines de TiL

Heritage Days, celebration of the roots of TiL

Our estate is in the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord Limousin, in the family for several generations, is 400 years old.

The linden trees that surround it are between 150 and 200 years old, so the preservation of heritage at TiL is an essential value, as is French culture.

During these Heritage Days, where exceptional places and pages of history and culture are revealed to everyone, we celebrate the roots of TiL.

In the Dordogne, a place full of history.

From the prehistoric caves, to the French-English rivalries during 3 centuries and the Hundred Years War (Richard the Lionheart died 10 kms from our house), the marks of the past are engraved everywhere. Numerous medieval fortresses, Renaissance castles, magnificent abbeys… it is the richest department in historical monuments. An important chapter of French history was written in the Dordogne, with famous female figures, such as Alienor of Aquitaine.

A 4 centuries old estate

Our estate is in the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord Limousin, in the family for several generations, is 400 years old.

The linden trees that surround it are between 150 and 200 years old, so the preservation of heritage at TiL is an essential value, as is French culture.


Built under Henri IV or Louis XIII, this vast stone family residence with slate roofs is framed in the main courtyard by two long outbuildings. It is extended by an immense esplanade in terraces creating a beautiful French-style park, with magnificent linden tree alleys, which overlooks a landscape of meadows and forests with a view to the infinity of nature.

In 1873, it was described as follows:  “Its seigniorial aspect comes from an uninterrupted row of machicolations, stone dormers with pediments, large slate roofs and two pavilions on the roof”. (description by Baron de Verneilh).

The history of the estate

The estate also included a forge which in the 19th century still produced more than 500 quintals of iron. It allowed to live in total autonomy with outbuildings housing all the farm animals, a huge vegetable garden, a large greenhouse, a pond for fish, a wash house, a chapel, stables etc…


It belonged to various neighboring lords, often owners of several castles around, and most of them were buried in this chapel.

During the Revolution, it was put up for auction as a national asset, after the emigration of its owner, and bought by a great Master of Forges, then others, until our family.

This one made it then the theater of the Alsos mission during the 2nd world war. This American mission, placed under the command of Colonel Boris Pash, established its base at La Meynardie, thus becoming the operational center for the entire southern Loire region.

In his book written about this mission, Colonel Pash speaks at length about the domain, as an “impressive old castle”.

The patina of time

Inside, it is a succession of huge wood-panelled rooms alternating with many small, intimate and warm nooks and crannies, and a monumental stone staircase. The history and patina of time are everywhere, the good vibes vibrate inside and outside, and this is what gives such accents of sincerity and truth to the house, and therefore to TiL.

The sisters, the "passers-by”

Since our birth, we have spent our summers in this little jewel that looks like a paradise on earth. For many years now, we have considered it our mission to preserve and beautify it, because we consider ourselves to be “passers-by”. Passers-by of a history that goes beyond us, of old stones, of centennial trees, of French culture, of hedonistic art of living

TiL, an ode to joy

To celebrate and share it with you, we have created TiL, where all the soul of our estate and our linden trees, which have been able to flood us with their benefits throughout the years, is nestled. TiL is an ode to the small pleasures of life, which brings joy to the heartby evoking the memory of light and carefree moments, while being deeply rooted.

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