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Holistique, mais encore ?

Holistic, but still?

Holism, an inseparable whole

    •  Did you know that “Holè” is not an interpellation ☺️ but “the whole” in Greek? Holism was created in the 1920s to express the fact that ” the human being is an indivisible whole that cannot be explained by its different components (physical, physiological, psychic) considered separately “.
    •  It is with this conviction in mind that we created TiL. Enough of considering that beauty is only external, and is measured by the number of our wrinkles or our kilos. Thank God, that’s the Old World, and we’re not there anymore! 
    •  Moreover, according to a study of Ifop of March 2021, “98% of French women think that beauty is not only a question of external appearance, but that feeling beautiful is also self-confidence (56%), a healthy lifestyle (55%) and the acceptance of one’s own imperfections (54%). Even if the criteria of appearance, physical shape (52%) and natural look (42%) obviously remain important”.

    Holistic beauty

    • It is a global beauty that goes from appearances to the spiritual. A beauty that shines all the more if you feel good with yourself and with others.
    • It is a real lifestyle to take care of oneself as a whole:  cosmetics and massages, but also healthy food, dietary supplements, balanced lifestyle, physical activity …
    • And according to Claire Andréewitch, naturopath and yoga teacher inner balance is intimately linked to the way we manage our emotional stress and limit cortisol, the stress hormone. You know, the famous one which triggers cascading reactions throughout the body …

    So how do we do it?

    TiL, holistic in essence

    • We too live at a stressful pace, spending our time running between work, children, home and partner, all with the permanent and oppressive injunction to be beautiful and zen! First of all, we have learned to love our wrinkles and our kilos, they are the imprints of our lives, of our smiles and our tears, of our delicacies and our vacations.

    • And then, frankly, who can stay smooth and fresh, relaxed and in a good mood 24 hours a day, after having gone through meetings, shopping at the Carrefour, the children’s homework, the washing machines, the bills and the trip to the vet?  Not us anyway 😬😉. So no miracle to offer you, but on the other hand the most universal antidote to stress, the linden tree. 

    • The holistic tree par excellence: it soothes the mind, heals the body, regenerates the skin and smells delicious. This is why it is used all over the world and by all civilizations. Pliny the Elder already called it “the medicine tree“! And it is the most emotional tree there is…tree of abundance, tree of joy, tree of love, tree of light, dancing tree …the linden tree has always been celebrated because it is the only one to delight all the senses.

    TiL is all about feeling good about yourself, your body and your mind 


    • We have been experiencing the amazing benefits of linden since our birth, in our family estate in the Dordogne. These are the ones we share with you, to take care of you as a whole: your mind, your body, your skin.
    • So we have developed soothing and regenerating cosmetics, created from our own linden trees, a delicious, joyful and comforting perfume, and a detox and relaxation food supplement.
    • TiL is a succession of small moments of pleasure captured in your schedule It’s a succession of little moments of pleasure captured in your schedule, little gestures that beautify your skin, calm your mind, purify your body, little pleasures just for you, to make you feel beautiful and well, inside and out. Holistic, we tell you!

    Our holi-til-tips

    TiL rituals 

    Our great joy in the evening is already to clean our face with the delicious foam of our face cleansing gel (the “Gelée à Fleur de Peau”), and the body with our milky cleansing body gel gel (the “Gel Qui Fait Chanter”)!  Just the generosity of these textures and their divine scent help us recover from our emotions of the day..

    Afterwards, a little massage of the face and body with our soothing regenerating night balm (the “Baume Qui Ressource”), that makes our skin so pretty and smooth, and the fluid soothing hydrating body lotion , (“Le Lait Corps et Âme” ) that perfumes and makes the skin delicately silky. 

    At this stage, we just want to smile….

    A little spray of the “Eau qui Enlace”, the delicious eau de toilette composed by perfumer Francis Kurkdjian, to feel like you’re under the linden trees in bloom on a summer evening, and then a teaspoon of our food supplement, (the “Poudre Zéro Souci”)  that you savor in a little hot water…. We are now ready to embrace the night and have sweet dreams…

    And what about our other holistic rituals that really make us “tick”?

    We TiL girls, in addition to our products, do ourselves good by walking in the forest, by hugging one of our linden trees, cheek to cheek against its bark, by doing yoga, by eating healthily but with a touch of gourmandise because we love good food that makes us happy, by meditating or reading, by gardening even on our small city balcony when we are in Paris. Sometimes a good hot bath with a little music and an infusion. And of course cuddling our children and petting our dog! 

    More personally, each sister has her favorite holi-TiL-tip:

    Odile, being outside, in the light and nature, at the slightest opportunity..even in winter, even when its super cold ! Sylvie, putting plants everywhere, inside and outside, (her Paris apartment looks like a jungle!) Dominique, painting, with her unique pre-raphaelite style…

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