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Les bienfaits des plantes sur votre santé

The benefits of plants on ours health

A knowledge transmitted since the dawn of time

Did you know that the first traces of the virtues of medicinal herbs date back to 3000 years BC, mentioned on clay tablets by the Sumerians? Then by Ancient Egypt 1500 years BC, in the Ebers Papyrus, a real collection of over 100 pages. At that time, the trade of these herbs was already flourishing.

In Ancient Greece, the ancestor of the herbalist appears. The knowledge travels, enriches the knowledge of some and others and it is Dioscorides, a doctor of Nero accompanying the Roman armies, who wrote 5 tomes on plants and their benefits.

The famous Hippocrates, and especially Galen, physician to Marcus Aurelius, are renowned for their medical knowledge of plants.

Plants have always been used to feed oneself but also to heal oneself. Phytotherapy was the only way to heal oneself, and the care by plants, instinctive at the beginning, then transmitted by the healers or shamans, is the oldest therapy on earth. Unfortunately, it was put aside with the birth of chemistry and medecine at the end of the 19th century.

And yet!!! That’s why, life being an eternal restart, we are rediscovering its virtues today!

It does not replace medication, but it can improve daily life to prevent and treat small ailments and promote well-being. The simplest way? Infusion!


The linden tree, "the doctor tree

And do you know which tree was already called “the doctor tree” by Pliny the Elder, Roman writer and naturalist, born in 23 AD, and author of an enormous encyclopedia, “Natural History”? The linden tree!

Very well known since Antiquity for its soothing virtues, used by the druids, prescribed by royal ordinance in the Middle Ages, which ordered to plant roads with linden trees and to keep their harvest for hospitals, celebrated by Proust with his famous madeleine.

Soothing, the lime tree reduces stress, anxiety and sleep disorders, because it is a sedative of the nervous system. It is also antispasmodic, promotes blood circulation and lowers blood pressure; it has diuretic effects, soothes fever, is sovereign against feverish and flu-like states. All this in a tree!!!

The infusion of linden is not only a tea of pleasure, it does good to the body and the spirit.

Faithful to our philosophy of a global well-being, supported in our mission by the most holistic tree there is, the Linden tree, we complete our care each year with a very limited-edition infusion


Les Fleurs du Bien, a mix of pleasure and health

Hand-picked in a totally preserved natural environment, Les Fleurs du Bien Millésime 2022 recreate a magnificent garden with medicinal virtues, and do good to the body and soul, like all TiL products… Plus, they are beautiful!

It is an exclusive and artisanal composition of 6 plants, of which only the precious flowering tops have been kept. They recreate in your cup real bouquets of flowers, with sublime colors, preserved by a rigorousdrying.

The silver linden flowers were obviously harvested in TiL’s family estate, and the other 5 plants in the medicinal and aromatic plant garden, created by Marc Buergo, a producer-gatherer and nature lover, whom we interviewed.

What are the properties of Fleurs du Bien 2022?

We wanted to make an infusion that takes a global care of the person, just like Til, and we worked on the calming aspects of course, but also on the respiratory, digestive and hormonal spheres, in order to improve the general well-being.

We have thus associated 6 complementary plants:

  • Linden blossoms, of a golden yellow color, represent one third of the composition, for an unequalled calming effect on the psyche and promotes sleep.
  • The flowers of Melissa of Moldavia also act on the cycle of the sleep, which they regulate and alleviate: the sleep is more qualitative, the nights quieter and the recovery better.
  • The flowers of Winter Thyme are linked to the respiratory sphere, and are sovereign against colds, sore throats and angina.
  • The flowers of Sage officinale are very related to the female cycle and regulate the hormonal system. They calm the mood, painful periods and hot flashes.
  • The flowers of Mauritania Mallow, in addition to coloring in sublime turquoise the infusion, are related to the digestive system. They release a mucilage (gel) which softens all the ways by which they pass (throat, stomach etc.)
  • The leaves of Monarde have digestive properties, they relieve the disorders and improve the digestion.



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