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La cosmétique par les plantes

Cosmetics through plants

Throughout time , in all civilizations and parts of the world, the plant world has been used not only for medical purposes, but also for beauty , because it is an unlimited source of benefits.

Plants and beauty, a long history

 The art of caring for and enhancing one’s skin dates back 10,000 years, as evidenced by archaeological excavations! As far back as 3,000 years BCE, the Egyptians concocted ointments made from plants, oils, and herbs to combat aging and adorn themselves. Ancient Greece, passionate about aesthetics and bodily beauty, gave rise to the term “cosmetics”: the word comes from the Greek “kosmetikos” (adornment) and “kosmos” (the order of the universe). The Romans used plants to achieve radiant complexions, while during the Middle Ages, clay and starch were renowned for preserving the beauty of the skin. Renaissance women seeking a very pale complexion also turned to plants and flowers reputed for lightening the skin. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants, plants have everything needed to protect and regenerate the skin. So, throughout the ages, cosmetics have always been natural.

It was in the 19th and 20th centuries that a turning point occurred with the advent of industrialization and synthetic chemistry. Today, we are returning to our roots by rediscovering the incredible virtues of the plant world for beauty.


The linden tree, nature's blessing

Each plant, of course, has its virtues, but some surpass others and are truly benevolent for the skin. You may have guessed it: the linden tree is the most fabulous of these benevolent beings!

The tree was already called “The Medicine Tree” by the ancient Roman author Pliny the Elder in the 1st century because of its myriad benefits. It has thus traversed the centuries, bestowing its powers on the body, mind, and skin. Used in medicine to combat fevers and edema, in nutrition for its protein richness, in infusions for its detoxifying and calming effects on the nervous psyche, and in cosmetics for soothing, brightening the complexion, and smoothing wrinkles—what can’t this medicinal plant, enshrined in pharmacopoeias, do?

Everything about it is beneficial, which is why it forms the cornerstone of TiL.

Beauty with Linden

After four years of Research and Development, during which the molecular mapping of every part of the linden tree was performed for the first time, we developed an exclusive active ingredient based on linden buds, branches, flowers, and leaves. It’s a unique concentrate of moisturizing, antioxidant, regenerating, and anti-inflammatory molecules: Tiliactiv4®.

100% Pure and Natural

The linden is harvested in the family estate in the Dordogne, at the heart of the Périgord Limousin Regional Natural Park, in the purest environment imaginable. These two-hundred-year-old trees have never been subjected to any human treatments and are certified organic by Ecocert. The mastery of harvesting is complete, which is exceptional, allowing it to be collected at the optimum moment, day by day, for maximum quality.

100% Concentrated

The essence of every part of the linden is extracted and then concentrated through biotechnology, bringing together all the molecules particularly beneficial for the skin.

100% Effective

Raw materials are used fresh, in contrast to the usual practice of using dried plant extracts. Typically, these extracts are obtained from dried materials for convenience, but they lose a significant portion of their active molecules during dehydration. By freezing them on-site immediately, as they are harvested, the integrity of native cells is preserved, and their effectiveness remains fully intact.

Subsequently, cryo-extraction is performed, resulting in an active ingredient with a broad spectrum of action for a comprehensive effect on all skin beauty markers:

  • Antioxidant: A specific flavonoid found in linden, tiliroside, combats free radicals and oxidative stress that age the skin.
  • Soothing: Combats inflammation caused by external aggressions and stress.
  • Anti-aging: Slows down accelerated skin aging and the formation of wrinkles by preserving the supporting tissue, collagen, and elastin.
  • Moisturizing: Polysaccharides have a more effective moisturizing activity than hyaluronic acid at the same concentration.
  • Radiance: Organic acids (AHA) naturally present in linden gently exfoliate, allowing daily removal of dead cells and promoting cell renewal. These are true radiance enhancers, the famous “glow,” without the risk of irritation.

100% Objective

We believe that being natural is not enough! Throughout the development of TiL, we aimed for natural actives with proven efficacy through scientific analysis. Tiliactiv4® demonstrated remarkable results in tube tests for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions:

  • Soothing Effect: Inhibition capacity of 64% of 5-Lox (inflammation).
  • Antioxidant Effect: Trapping capacity of free radicals at 68.7%.


Other TiL beauty plants

As with lime, the specifications were ambitious: natural, effective and sensory formulas, with French plant active ingredients (culture and production), with scientifically proven and measured effectiveness on the quality of the skin .

We have therefore selected a few nuggets that surround Tiliactiv4® in our products,

complementary plant active ingredients which act in synergy with it for maximum effectiveness.

  • Rose Centifolia

Precious and ephemeral, it is used for the greatest perfumes, but also in cosmetics.

Made from roses hand-picked in Provence, this active ingredient is very interesting because it was first developed for medical purposes, for its post-surgery healing action. Given its effectiveness, it was then deployed for cosmetic use, which shows that the scientific file is solid! It promotes self-repair , is anti-oxidant and anti-dark spots , it makes the skin more radiant, uniform and comfortable. In addition, it has a positive action on the microbiome.

  • Alfalfa (sprouted alfalfa seed)

It is an active ingredient called “ retinol-like ” because it has the same power to energize collagen and inhibit its destruction, smoothing the skin (anti-wrinkle) and giving it firmness and plumpness.

  • White Lupine

This plant with pretty white flowers is a healthy-looking and anti-aging active ingredient at the same time. It improves micro-circulation and oxygenation to give radiance to the complexion. It also strengthens collagen synthesis and smoothes the microrelief

  • Nasturtium

This flower acts on cellular respiration to give radiance, and boosts the oxygenation of cells.

  • Passionflower

This extract acts against free radicals and neutralizes oxidative stress (due to various attacks, pollution, UV rays, etc. and age), prevents redness and has a calming effect on the skin.

  • Beauty of the night

Contrary to what its name indicates, it acts as a shield during the day by strengthening the skin's resistance against daily aggressions , it protects and calms it.

  • Verbena

It is an anti-aging agent that hydrates, smoothes and energizes fibroblasts.

  • Ivy

It optimizes superficial microcirculation, thus ensuring better nutrition and hydration. It also has a relaxing effect.

  • Cameline

Regenerating , it fights against cellular aging.

An exceptional level of omega 3 and 6, a concentration of vitamins and anti-oxidants, make it a sought-after anti-wrinkle and anti-aging product . It strengthens the skin barrier, protects against external aggressions, preserves the skin's hydration and helps it repair itself.

  • Horsetail

It maintains the structure of the dermal tissue, firms and tones the skin.



At Til, our skincare products share a common philosophy: essential and universal, natural and sensory, with proven performance not only on our exclusive active ingredient but also on the finished products through clinical studies conducted with panels of women. Because nature is uneven, we have consistently sought the best in France. Not to perform miracles we don’t believe in, but certainly to demonstrate that nature, in its most fabulous form, when enhanced by 21st-century science, can contribute to beautiful, healthy, and radiant skin.

Because we know that this is more important than the number of years and wrinkles…

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